Monday, August 4, 2008

No Rest for the Juicy

So for all of you who have been keeping track of my life you know that if I'm done at NewPointe I must be on to my next action-packed phase of life. And you're right. I'm now a proud member of the Huntington University staff in Huntington Indiana. Now this place is no Taylor... (by which I mean I do not love it with an inappropriately huge amount of love, it actually has money, and instead of being represented by a generic Trojan* my mascot is now "Norm the Forrester") but I like it anyway.

Today my boss referenced Flight of the Concords, I had a two hour training session about PHONES, and I was invited to play Settlers of Catan at the end of the work-day. Minus the phones part it was a good first day of work.

Also, a man that I DID NOT KNOW prior to coming here made reference to my blog, specifically my humiliating experience "running" the Indy mini. Dang. Well Eric you get a shout out for being a faithful reader.

For further updates hang tight with baited breath. I have to go on a student development retreat the next few days, but do not fret, I promise to give a full report upon my return. In the mean-time discuss Brett Favre.

*The Trojans, honestly. The word Trojan conjures up two images. A contraceptive with surprisingly uncomfortable commercials and a classic Grecian culture who made it into a history books by being STUPID and LOSING a very important war. Please sign me up for that. I think this is roughly the equivalent of a mascot representing the former** Confederate States of America.

**The South gonna' do it again!


Unknown said...

in regard to flight of the conchords, i recently obtained the first season on DVD. that will be tagging along when i make my trips to HU to sit and read wicked.

KLantz said...

I'm the reason Eric knew about your blog. Where's my shout out?