Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Willing to be right

The other day I was at a certain university where we watched a movie called "Purple State of Mind."

It was this atheist guy and a Christian guy talking about life, God, and you know...stuff.

And I realized something. Poorly formed Christian thought can be more dangerous to Christianity than well formed atheistic thought.

Why do I say this? Because Christianity will never fall to oppression, opposition, or persecution. Christianity has been opposed since day one. It's nothing new and it's nothing particularly threatening.

Apathy is threatening. I saw on video a man who was unwilling to stand up for anything. He said that Jesus was the Christ, but beyond that he was unwilling to claim anything as truth. Apparently not only is Christ a mystery, everything about God and His Word is a mystery.

Honestly? Why read it? And the scariest thing was that none of the students seemed to care. Now I know I'm over-reacting here but the impression that I got was that no one was searching for answers because they didn't think that answers were knowable. This is true to an extent, but there ARE some truths in this world. Sin is sin and you are allowed to say so. God did reveal some truth to us, and you are allowed to say so.

It's very unpopular to think you are right. Everyone accepts everyone elses opinions as long as they don't claim to be "right." As long as it's "good for you" there's no problem. Guess what, Christians don't get everything right, but we are right about somethings, and if you disagree, you're wrong.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Hello all you faithful reader!*

Good news for all of you out there who knew I would someday make it big. I am finally a published author! Where have I been published you ask? In the Bathroom stalls of Malone College!

That's right, your good friend and mine, THE Ryan Anderson** is a hall director at Malone college and is bringing up his students in the way they should go. They are learning about how much girls like snow*** via my blog printed out on a bathroom publication Ryan calls "The Plunger."

Also, a man who seems to be my brother from another mother, Josh Wymore, had recently submitted to me a well researched and well worded essay on why he believes Texas to be superior to Ohio. Although riddled with logical fallacies and inconsistencies it is good to see another non-Michigander exhibiting blind hatred to all states not his own. The same practice that has helped me to sleep at night following national championship games. Here is an excerpt from his misguided, yet beautiful, piece of work.

Not only could Texas’ longhorn mascot completely devour a horde of buckeyes, he has on several occasions. Bevo proceeded to ask that future buckeyes be made without chunky peanut butter, stating, “choosy cows choose Jiff.” After communicating this to his trainers, Bevo then slept for eight hours

Important scientific-like studies have also shown that 3 in 5 men born in Ohio are genetically incapable of growing mustaches. This fact contrasts sharply with Texas where toddlers celebrate their first goatee at age 6. Gillette has now begun sending razors to Texas boys at the beginning of their 4th grade year.

Please let me say that I mean no offense to those persons unlucky enough to be born outside the Lone Star State. My heart goes out to those of you who do not, and never will, have the chance to be a genuine Texan. Take comfort in the fact that you have company; millions of other people just like you are not fortunate enough to live in “The Greatest Nation in the World.” We call them “Americans.”

If this style of flamboyant ignorance seems familiar to you it should be noted that Josh and I do get along quite well outside of his tendency to overcompensate for not being round on both sides and high in the middle.

But I have forgiven his errant ways, just as I would forgive anyone for being from the wrong state, or an atheist, or a murderer, or not liking Ender's Game, or believing that Jar Jar Binks belongs in a Star Wars movie. The only people I can't forgive are Michigan Ryan Anderson.

**That is not THE Ryan Anderson...that is "A" Ryan Anderson
*** True story I walked by a girl today who was yelling "It's SOOOO COLD!" and I said to her, "you can't have snow without cold." She responded by saying "whatever" but as he was leaving earshot I heard her start yelling again "It's SOOOO WINDY"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For the Glory of God

So I'm about to out myself here as loving Taylor University way way way too much. But then again, I don't think that's a surprise to anyone that knows me.

But the other day I was thinking tat it's such a shame that I am probably not going to work at Taylor, and if I get a doctorate, it wont be from Tayolor either. So lets say twenty years fromnow I write a great book. (Which is something I'm going to start on...someday) But lets go nut for a little bit and say that I actually DID write a book and it was the next Blue Like Jazz* and people from all over the country were inviting me to come speak at their schools.

The wouold introduce me and say "He got his B.A. and his M.A. from Taylor University, recieved his PHD from (insert blank) and he is currenty the associate dean of student leadership at (insert blank)

And the reason that bothers me I becuase I want to make sure that all the glory for my accomplishments goes to Taylor. If I produce anything of merit I want people to say "That's a Taylor Grad right there."

Well that's a bit idolotrous now isn't it?

But for the first time I understood what it was meant to want to do something for the glory of God. It doesn't mean that you can't be proud, or that you can't be enjoying the work, or that your name can't be attatched to what you do. But what if really when you produced something good you had a desire for people to say "That's a child of God right there." What if you wanted people to understand where you came from and the contextfrom which you opporate when you accomplish things; and that framework is your God?

It would probably increase your accountability for your work and your reputation. Bu that's really ust a side benifit

*Except with a basic understanding of the tennats of Christianity.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

He is Enough

I stood by the ocean with a cup; afraid there's not enough water.
I have had 22 frantic years; afraid there's not enough time.
I built a house on a mountain top; afraid there's not enough space.
I brought a coat to the desert; I am afraid there's not enough heat.
He said He would love me...and I ask if it's enough

I build walls around myself, but there's not enough security
I accomplish my goals, but there's not enough satisfaction
I please other people, but there's not enough acceptance
I am ruler of my life, but there's not enough significance
He said He would love me...and I ask if it's enough

I've confessed all my sins but I'm afraid there's not enough grace.
I've exposed all my faults and I'm afraid there's not enough love
I said I'd follow the path, but I'm afraid there's not enough light
I said I'd give Him my all, but I'm afraid it's not enough gift
He said He would love me...and I ask if it's enough

I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for
him." Lamentations 3:24.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stuff Girls Like IV: Snow

Today I heard Kim Moselle utter high pitched whining noises similar to those I imagine a pterodactyl making when their young are threatened. All girls are good at doing this. Why you ask? Because it is the only way they are capable of expressing themselves while uttering the phrase "It's SNOWING!"

Snow is a natural phenomenon that never fails to impress girls at the opening of winter. Like engagements, snow has a tendency to surprise every girl on the planet even though it can be (and is) accurately predicted ahead of time, and (unlike engagements) with astounding regulaity.

"Rain turns into white fluff in November? The world is instantly more fun than it used to be!"

Since two things that would make girls rather die than go outside are Rain and Cold it is very surprising that combining these two elements makes them want to instantly jettison themselves and everyone around them into the nearest "out-doors" they can find.

I recently walked over to a gathering of girls and asked them to say whatever came first to their minds when I said "snow"* to their credit one girl did say "cold" and someone else said "slush" the rest of the responses went like this.

"Snowball fights, Christmas, sparkle, winter, fluffy, snowmen, hot chocolate, going home, glistening, sledding...**" I eventually had to cut them off because it was getting late.

Now don't be confused by girls and their changing ways. Snow is their best friend right up until January 1st, afterwhich things take a startling turn for the worse.

Look forward to my post coming this February entitled "Stuff Girls Hate: Snow"

*I'm not making this up
**Oddly enough I didn't hear anyone say "watching men shovel the driveway"

Friday, November 7, 2008

Patience is a virture

I'm not trying to be an old man harping on "kids these days" but I was recently sitting in a class were we were discussing emerging trends among today's college students (seeing as I was one less than a year ago I will include myself in this statistic).

College students want everything now. Tired of investing in relationships for long term payoffs and the strung out process of making friends? Just Facebook someone you went to high school with! Looking for intimacy and can't wait for the right "someone" to come along? Just go hook up with some random dude/chick at a party. Drinking is also a shortcut to dealing with depression/anxiety/loneliness. There is no reason to go to counseling and spend months FIXING a problem when you can throw alcohol at it.

And despite my tongue in cheek coverage of these issues I want you to know that these findings were researched and confirmed by people who spend more time on research papers than I do.
In psychology we would call this the inability to delay gratification. this is indicative of weak or low ego strength. Which is not like having a big ego (though it is related). You WANT lots of ego strength.

I spent some time thinking about this and I realized that I'm impatient too. Because it's not just about being annoyed in a traffic jam, it's the fact that we sometimes can't wait for God to give us the things we think we need and so we shortcut the process and try to do it ourselves. God and Heaven are the ultimate sources of fulfillment and he also provides legitimate ways for us to find partial fulfillment in earthly things that point to Him and reflect His greatness.

Ever try to shortcut the process? I mean none of MY readers would ever get drunk or hook up with someone at a party (?). But what about relationships in general, money, status, accomplishment, comfort food, looking good, having friends, entertainment, etc...

These things aren't all bad I know...but. Think about it.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's Love Got to Do With It?

Fact: Relationships terrify me.
Fact: Lots of marriages end in divorce
Fact: people my age put a lot pf pressure on themselves in this area.

Interestingly enough some of these thoughts have been going through my head lately* and I've been giving a lot of thought to the topic of relationships. This could be because I'm in one, it could be because I have been studying developmental patterns in college students, or it could be just because my cohort graduated Taylor and many of us were single and ergo destined to die alone.

It seems like a tricky thing, trying to decide who to be with. Your feelings can get all confused and you can become discouraged. I've talked to many guys who've had trouble "pulling the trigger." We question things like "Will I be challenged by this relationship? Will I be encouraged? Will we both grow? Do our passions line up? Did her mother age well?" These are all great questions.

But recently I have been encouraged to stop asking them. People in arranged marriages never ask them and they seem to do just fine. In fact those types of marriages don't take feelings into consideration at all.

And it occured to me that feelings, although important, really ought NOT to be the most important factor. DesPITE what Disney may tell you the feeling of love doesn't seem to be a good predictor of relational success. How do I know this? Because 50% of marriages in America end in divorce and I would wager that most of them were pretty "in love" at the time of the wedding. In fact I doubt very few of you will ever interview a person who says "yeah I was never really that into my wife, even from the beginning."

Instead I've been encouraged to do what I can do and answer the questions I can answer with certainty. God never promised me that I would have good relationships of any nature, he never told me that being a good husband would yield a good wife. But I do always have the decision to love well, and that will be rewarded.

And so the analogy was put to me like this. "We look at a relationship like a Christmas present and ask 'will it be enough?' When instead what we should be doing is looking in the box and asking 'wow, an empty box! how much do you think I could put in here?'"

Or as my seventh grade football coach used to say "don't worry about the scoreboard, just worry about playing the game. If you do your job on every play, the scoreboard will take care of itself."

I think the problem that many people including me often face is that we think we are in such a high stakes game that the score is really important. And so we spend so much time worrying about the scoreboard that we don't have our head in the game and it passes us by. I've never heard of a coach recommending that strategy, not even Rich Rodriguez.

*Cortney and I are very very VERY not engaged.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Happy sweet November!

If you ask me November is by FAR the greatest of all months ever created.

The word November has Latin origins and means "ninth month." This was before the Romans adopted the Julian Calendar and added the months January and February.* November contains many of my favorite holidays including Thanksgiving, my birthday, my sister's birthday, and the day that Ohio State annually pummels Michigan.

Fun historical fact: JFK and C.S. Lewis both died on November 22, 1963.
Fun contemporary fact: November is pancreatic cancer awareness month.**

But most importantly for the sake of this post, November is National Novel Writer's Month, or NaNoWriMo.

I was first introduced to NaNo by my friend Chris Teirney, whose last name I have forgotten how to spell correctly. Since then I have spent most of October planning on writing a novel, and all of November not doing it. I am proud to say that this year is no exception!

The point of NaNoWriMo is to finish writing an entire novel in a month. they define novel as 50,000 words and they define month as November. That averages out to about 5 double spaced pages a day on Microsoft Word. You aren't supposed to care if it's terrible, that's not the point. The point is to finish. It's like a Marathon, you feel pumped if you do it even if some Kenyan beat you. Or in my case, a Kenyan and 170,000 old ladies.

check out the website if you are interested. I spend most of October looking at it.

*I am not making this up
**See above