Sunday, March 27, 2011

In case anyone is interested

Hey friends

Not sure if anyone cares, but if you do I finished "section 3" of "my files" (which is what I call the stuff I write because I'm too realistic to call it a book)

I'll admit, I think it's got some decent ideas but towards the end I think it will make you say "wait, did we change topics while I wasn't paying attention? That kinda just turned into something else. I think a little editing is in order here."

You're right. A lot of editing is in order. In fact, you don't have to read it. But what's the point of having a blog if you won't post your writing on it?

Feel free not to click on this link, I won't be offended, and I probably wont ask you if you read it or not. But if you DO want to read more of my "not book" Just click...


1 comment:

Dr. Danger said...

read always it was very helpful. stuff i do use in my daily life. thanks for putting it outthere