Monday, August 18, 2008

Alyce is on the move

Please read the title of this blog in your best Mr Beaver voice.*

Ok so as many of you know my sister is having a baby. And for the last 9 months she's been having a baby as I've been having job. It's just kinda there (in the womb**). But in the past day or so she has gone from "having a baby" to "having a baby" which means having a baby in the same sense that one has a migraine "Oh my gosh, I hate this, I can't take this any more, I need to make this stop, get me some drugs, this is all my husband's faults etc..."

o now I am leaving in a few short minutes to drive to Cleveland and be with the fam as my sister transitions from "having a baby" in the migraine sense to "having a baby" as one has a puppy or a dishwasher. " Oh it's so cute! Look how small she is! Oh she's waking up! I don't think the silverware got clean enough, you need to run it through again!"

Anyway, please pray for my sister, my brother in law, and my new up-and-coming niece. My next blog-post will hopefully include pictures of the new Alyce Marie Boyers.

*As in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, not Leave it to Beaver, although now that I think about it, I think that guys name was "cleaver" but I'm not sure. Which would be ridiculous cause then the kid's name would be "beaver cleaver." But I don't know. Would one of my more "distinguished" blog readers please reveal his/her chronological prowess and clear this little quandary up for me? Thanks.

**I prefer the term "baby sack."

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