Monday, July 28, 2008

Don't hate me...

For writing this. I'm not trying to take myself too seriously. I don't ever expect the following "parable" to ever mean anything to anyone, or to be forwarded to everyone on your contact list. I just like to write stuff from time to time, and today I thought I would write like this.

One day God came to me in a dream and said to me that like Solomon he would grant me a request supernaturally. I realized that, like Solomon it would be a good idea to wish for my self improvement. So I wished that I would be stronger.

I woke up the next morning expecting to discover a new body stronger than my old one. But sadly I realized that no Spiderman like transformation had taken place. Disappointed I staggered blearily through the dark until I stubbed my toe on an unexpected object. There was a weight bench in my room.

God came to me again in a dream to tell me that he was sorry the last request didn't work out so well for me, so I could try again. This time I thought I would be just like Solomon and ask for wisdom and intelligence. The next morning I woke up expecting to feel smarter. However I still couldn't do the morning crossword. Later that day I went to get the mail, and found an unexpected letter with no return address. It was a recommended reading list.

A third night God came to me again and said I had one more chance. I thought long and hard about what I wanted most, and after much deliberation I figured that God would finally honor my request if I asked for something "good" something that he would want me to ask for. So I asked that he would help me love him more.

The next morning I was wakened by a phone call. It was bad news. Really bad. I thought that because I loved God more it would be easy to take. It wasn't. It hurt worse than ever because I felt like I had been betrayed by God. I didn't feel loving at all, I felt angry.

I screamed at God. "You could have made me stronger without the weight bench, I could have woken up with muscles"

"You're right" he said, "I can do that. But unless you understood what it took to gain that strength you wouldn't understand how to keep it."

"You could have made me smart!" I wailed "you could have put an encyclopedia in my brain"

"You're right" he answered, "I can do that. But you wouldn't value it properly. You would abuse that knowledge."

Finally I had had enough and in utter despair I accused him "But you didn't have to do THIS to me! You could have made me love you without taking away something else I loved more!"

"Actually you're wrong," he said, "I can't do that."


Dr. Jones said...

Danger, I don't hate you, but I've decided to be a jerk and point out the last phrase of your parable is technically theologically and philosophically incorrect. You're denying God's omnipotence by saying he "can't" make us love him the most. God definitely could, but in order to do so, God would have to remove our free well. Apparently, God likes it better when we actively chose to love and obey him.

I know you know all of this and you're probably sitting in your chair thinking "what the heck Jones why you gotta be like that?" And I'm like, "uhhh cuz I like the sound of my own voice and how awesome it is..." :P Good illustration though. Sounds like you're learning some skills at that job of yours.

Anonymous said...

I feel that way quite often. It may not be to the same extent, but it's so easy to question God's methods. You have good writing skillZ, my man.

Keep it up.

Unknown said...


really great story. reminded me a lot of what Job went through.

Also, John Calvin was predestined to hate Jones for his silly comment.

Unknown said...

leaving the jones/lehr debate aside (lehr is right) not only did the last line impact me with its truth but i didn't see it coming and that made the impact that much stronger. thanks danger for the reminder

brutusb said...

You are very wise for your years. It is the kind of wisdom that comes from some real life experiences. Keep on writing. I look forward to them!