Thursday, March 6, 2008


Yesterday I got two cookies with my subway meal. Dave wasn't sure if you're usually supposed to get two cookies or if the subway girl was flirting with me. We were debating the issue when we noticed that "someone" had written his/her phone number on my sub with honey mustard. Unfortunately I ordered a six inch, and the numbers got a little squished towards the end and I couldn't read them.

This is why I'm going to die alone eating cold ravioli out of a can. Because I always order the wrong size of sub. Seriously, I can't even tell you how many times I have been unlucky in love becuase I order the wrong size of sub. That and I am terrified of commitment.

Seriously though, yesterday I saw a representative of Jews for Jesus come in and give a demonstration of a Cedar dinner. This was good for me for a lot of reasons. The first being that I haven't "learned" anything in the academic sense (unless you count the school of hard knocks) since I've graduated college, but I deffinately learned a lot from this guy, which I enjoy. The second reason is that to be honest I have a very hard heart that does not break for the poor or the lost. I pray often that God will change me in this capacity.

Early this year I was moved when I listened to a Jewish Rabbi discussing the faith of his people in America today. You want to know something? These people are very lost. My knowledge of the Jewish faith came almost exclusively from the Old Testament, and I had this vision of a people that are kinda like Christians except they are still waiting for the messiah. And that they were probably very legalistic and literal in terms of their interpretation of scripture.

The Rabbi started off by telling us that he didn't really think the Torah (first five books of the Bible) was literal. For example he wasn't sure, nor did he care if Moses was a real guy. In the same way "that I would hope your faith wouldn't suffer if you found out that Jesus was never really real." My heart broke becuase these people were rejecting Christanity when honestly they didn't know the first thing about it.

he also told me that Jews don't believe in Heaven or Hell, they are forbidden to share their faith, they don't read the Old Testament, they read commentaries. The more recent a commentairy the more athoritative it is. This would be the Christian equivelent of saying that if Rob Bell disagreed with the Bible we would be pbligated to agree with Rob.

But this guy is taking the Gospel to Jews all around the world, including Isreal. And he talked about their work in Germany. Jews and Germans proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus together. I like that.

Just so you guys know, I think that Cedar dinners are very interesting. There is a lot of Christian symbolism in the passover and the rituals of the Jews. As usual God was crafty enough to hide types of Christ in the Old Testament. When Jewish people celebrate their past they are really celebrating our shared Messiah. This is where the Christian tradition of communion comes from. The unleavened bread and the cup of redemption.

I want to do a Cedar dinner with my family, I will report more on this later. I'm not going to explain the whole thing here but I honestly reccomend that you learn about it yourself becuase it is fascinating.

Also, I've decided not to declare it spring yet. More on that later too

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