Friday, March 21, 2008


No, I haven't been to a BBQ lately. I just wanted to express my love for the BBQ in general. I have a large chicken BBQ fund-raiser for the church that I'm supposed to be in charge of coming up next Sunday, and I gotta say, not a fan. It's going to involve getting up at 5:00 in the morning, and I do NOT want to do that, but I suppose it's for the kids, and you know how I am. FTK all the way.

But when we were at Big Jim's the other day Dave said "BBQ burger, I wonder if that's
better than the regular burger?" Of course it is Dave, it's Barbecue! You could put the word barbecue in front of anything and it would make it better. If someone told me that I had to have a bacon barbecue colonoscopy with cheese, I wouldn't even mind. And I think this is something we need to investigate. (not my colon, the idea) I have not yet experienced the situation that isn't made better by the presence of BBQ flavor. I recommend that the next time you have bad news you should find a way to buffer it with BBQ .

In other news (real news) I have recently beaten Donkey Kong 64. The reason that this is important is two-fold. One, I have made a solemn vow to not buy any video games this spring/summer until I beat all the games that I own and haven't already beaten yet. I have had Donkey King 64 for almost 8 years, but I haven't been able to beat it in the past. Why? because there are a million things to collect and I have OCD and I can't stand getting 99 % of collectable items. I must have them all. And if I can't get them all I will just stop playing. It took 8 years, 5 different tries and who knows how many hours, but I finally got all 4,000 bananas in that stupid game. Now I'm going to hit it with a shovel and never think about it again.

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