Thursday, November 25, 2010


As I'm writing this, it is almost Thanksgiving, so I think it's only fitting that I should write a holiday themed blogpost. Something that you can read as you sit back on your couch, watch the Lions lose a game, and drift off to sleep with the warm, comforting feeling of triptephan coursing through your system.

I just wanted to note that I think giving thanks is closely related to humility.

It's hard to be too prideful about who you are or what you've done when you keep in mind all the advantages and blessing you have had to help you get there.

I'm a smart guy. And a lot of times I am prideful about just how smart I am and how good of a leader I can be. But I would like to take some time to think of some of the things that go into that that I should be thankful for.

Genetics (both my parents were smart)
Both of my parents went to college
Grew up with smart sisters.
Dad read to me when I was young
There were many books in the house
My parents valued my education
My parents were involved with my education
I went to good schools
I had good teachers
I was encouraged to read
I have had the opportunity to travel
I had the resources to go to an expensive private college
I was encouraged to go to graduate school
I could afford graduate school

I am thankful for all of those things, and I am responsible for none of them. It's true that I have worked hard and studied to be as smart as I am, but that is just one part of it, and probably not even the most important part.

I would like to be in the habit of being consciously thankful for the things in my life. ESPECIALLY when it is in regards to things about which I am prideful.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you are all awed and humbled by God's generousness in all of our lives.

1 comment:

Dr. Danger said...


Just started reading Andrew Murray "Humility" awesome stuff. Keep on the path