Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Writings

Hello again friends

As you are well aware, I am a writer in the same sense that throwing a NERF football to your 8 year old nephew makes you a quarterback. In case anyone is interested in my latest "pass" I've provided a link to something I've been writing. As Hugh would say, it's part of my "files."

I haven't gone through and edited at all, so it's likely to be quite terrible. In fact, if you are one of those people who can't tolerate my spelling errors perhaps you should stay away. Or, if you are one of those kinds of people that doesn't find it that interesting to read all the ramblings of every 20 something year old who feels that the internet has given him the right to broadcast all his thoughts to people who don't want to hear them...then you should probably stay away too. If you are my parents, you'll probably read it because I live in Texas and you don't get to see me very much.

But anyway, here is the latest from my files. At the Robert Jordan like pace I write you can expect another gripping installment sometime next summer.

section 2

P.S. someone commented on my use of grammar on my blog the other day. She mentioned that I ended some sentences with prepositions. I'm sorry about that. From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which we shall not put.

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