Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Goin' South

Howdy Y'all

Today is my first of many blog-post from the great Nation of Texas.
Quiz: Six different nations claimed Texas at some point in history. This does not count indigenous peoples or native tribes. Can you name all six? (The answers will be given at the end of this post)

For those of you who I haven't told (or who haven't gone to ACSD) I got a job at LeTourneau University in Longview Texas. "Wow," you might say "How did you ever find yourself down there Steve?" Well, I legitimately do like the place. I honestly and truly do. I think it will be a good fit for me and I already KNOW that it is a good fit for Cortney, and she is really excited to move down here and hang out with all the hispanos. But why here out of all the schools in the CCCU? Mainly because they were the only school that returned my E-mail.*

And so I loaded my trusty Honda with a variety of goods and possessions and struck out due South with a song in my heart and a pocket full of dreams.

It took about seventy billion hours to drive to Longview, and I learned that by using an precise mathematical formula developed by MIT students, you can actually calculate your current geographic latitude in America based on the number of Country Music stations playing on your car radio.

Also, I stopped at a motel six that was straight out of a B-list horror movie. It was seedy and smelly and possibly on an Indian burial ground. I believe that no fewer than 4.7 murders took place while I slept there. Expect this story to be made into a movie and coming to a Redbox near you.

I've never really been a fan of the "South" but I think that Texas is a world onto itself. Actually it's big enough to be several worlds unto themselves. Everyone in East Texas (which is now where I live) wants you to know that they aren't from South Texas or West Texas, as these places are apparently less desirable. I don't know which part of Texas is the one that supports Cowboy hats but I hope it's the East.

I start my new job tomorrow! Further updates will follow I'm sure.

Check the comments on this post for the answer to the Trivia question

*I had two phone interviews, and got one job. So that's a 50% success rate. Pretty impressive I think. What happened to the other job you ask? Barry Walsh took it...


Steve Conn said...

Texas Trivia Answer (In no particular order)

United States of America
The Republic of Texas
The Confederate States of America

Josh Wymore said...

I was really hoping you didn't answer your own question so I could take a crack at it. For a fun, experiential method of understanding the six flags of Texas, try the theme park of the same name. The one in Arlington is the best. Ride the Titan and the Batman.

This is funny, by the way.

Dr. Danger said...

excellent trivia question--don't know whether i feel ripped off or just ignorant by your counting the republic of texas and the confederacy as nations in order to get to six... i guess they were truly independent nations for a period of time, whatever...considering where you live now you dang well better count 'em both!!

OCCA Survivor said...

Congrats Steve! I didn't know you had accepted a position! Hope you had a wonderful first few days! An assistant archivist position opened up at Taylor and I applied for it. I have no previous archival experience, so I'm not sure if I'll even get a call. Blessings!