Tuesday, June 29, 2010

quick and random

Hey friends

A few quick thoughts.

1) Remember how great I said Texas was? Last night the air conditioning quit in the house I'm staying in. I kid you not, 92 degrees inside the house while I was trying to go to sleep. Was it 92 degrees in YOUR house last night you lucky Midwesterners?

2) In case something TERRIBLE happens I want to be proactive and make myself very clear. I am NOT a bandwagon Cavs fan. I am a dedicated LeBron fan. If he trades to the bulls or the heat I am gonna be buying their merchandise so fast it's gonna make your head spin. I want LeBron to have the greatest Career in NBA history, because no matter where he plays, he is an Akron boy. (He has my zip code, 330, tattooed on his arm). I might even put Miami back on my map of the united states.

3) I made fun of twitter in a previous post. AJ in Nashville pointed out that I was knocking it before I tried it. Friends have recently encouraged me to start "tweeting." Is this a good idea? let me get some feedback. I don't want to view it as a way to "stay in touch" I want to view it as a way to export my humor in bite sized chunklets to people who want it. Maybe it's a bad idea...I don't know


Unknown said...

I would follow your exportation of bite sized humor.

Dr. Danger said...

i enjoy your humor/wisdom...just stressed over the addition of more technology in my life, but i could adjust