Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nevin Street Give Away

Hello faithful followers. My friend Cristi has been requesting that I have a give-away on my blog, and my corporate sponsor has been trying to attract new business. So here's what I've decided to do:

When I was an undergrad I had a goofy friend by the name of Ben Blake. He was a good friend, and a silly man. He loved coffee, old books, and doodling. One of my good friends. But then one day something terrible happened. He fell in love. To make a long story short, Ben left our home at Taylor University to be with his girlfriend. (Normally I would get mad at something like this but like I said, I made a long story short, and I actually think it was a good decision.)

Ben realized that his new school was awful compared to Taylor. (Every school is awful compared to Taylor, so I don't find this surprising.) So Ben decided he was just going to drink coffee for the next year. And Nevin Street Coffee was born.*

Now Ben is married to said girlfriend and he and a buddy run an online business selling fresh coffee grounds. But not only that, the president of said inferior school told Ben, "you should open a coffee shop on campus" so let it be written, so let it be done. Ben is now in the process of opening a physical coffee "spot."

Anyway, the moral of this story is: click the picture of the Nevin Street logo on the right side of my blog, it will take you to his website. If you by a pound of coffee and write in the "special notes" section that you were referred from the Dangerzone, you will be in a drawing for a free Nevin Street mug. I already bought two...they are really cool. And since there about 4 people who read my blog, you have to realize that your odds of winning this drawing are pretty cool.

This "Contest" starts today and goes through August 1st.


*I realize that doesn't really make sense but I liked the way it sounded

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