Monday, March 30, 2009

A Phone Call

You know you have reached a terrible point in your life when the most exiting thing that happens to you in a day is your interlibrary loan comes in.

Hello friends, have you missed me while I was in thesis-land? Well I miss a lot of thigns here in Thesis-land...mostly people, and fun.

But I did have a revelation the other day that I would like to share with you. Many of you know by now that I am madly in love with the wonderful Cortney Michelle Korshak. Many of you also know of my love to talk incessently, and if you know Cortney, you know this is a passion that we share.

What you might not know is the other day I called her on the phone and it hit me. We had nothing to talk about. Our conversation sputtered to a halt. I had done homework all day and she had given a test in Spanish class* and we really didn't have much to say.

Now I had finally reached the part in a relationship that I always thought would be truly alarming, the part where you run out of things to say. But for some reason I didn't find myself panicked. Why? Becuase I realized that our relationship doesn't hinge on one insstance of not finding anything to say. Instead it hinges on the cumulative effect of our time spent communicating and the feelings and experiences we share as a result of those. That being said, I didn't get discouraged, and I called her again the next day for a much better conversation. The exchange of information isn't as important as the regard I show her by calling every day and the growing body of expereinces and time we share.

Why do I say all that? Is it because you are all intensly interested in my love life? I sincerely hope not. No, I say that because all too often my quiet times with God feel like phone conversations when I've run out of things to say. And I shoudln't let that discourage me because the principle is the same as it is with Cortney, and after I have a dissapointing quiet time I can shut my Bible and say "well, I'll talk to you tomorrow."**

*She's a student teacher
** This is not to suggest that one should only talk to God (or your girlfriend) in specific segmented parts of the day, that just happens to be the subject of this post.

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