Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stuff Girls Like IV: Snow

Today I heard Kim Moselle utter high pitched whining noises similar to those I imagine a pterodactyl making when their young are threatened. All girls are good at doing this. Why you ask? Because it is the only way they are capable of expressing themselves while uttering the phrase "It's SNOWING!"

Snow is a natural phenomenon that never fails to impress girls at the opening of winter. Like engagements, snow has a tendency to surprise every girl on the planet even though it can be (and is) accurately predicted ahead of time, and (unlike engagements) with astounding regulaity.

"Rain turns into white fluff in November? The world is instantly more fun than it used to be!"

Since two things that would make girls rather die than go outside are Rain and Cold it is very surprising that combining these two elements makes them want to instantly jettison themselves and everyone around them into the nearest "out-doors" they can find.

I recently walked over to a gathering of girls and asked them to say whatever came first to their minds when I said "snow"* to their credit one girl did say "cold" and someone else said "slush" the rest of the responses went like this.

"Snowball fights, Christmas, sparkle, winter, fluffy, snowmen, hot chocolate, going home, glistening, sledding...**" I eventually had to cut them off because it was getting late.

Now don't be confused by girls and their changing ways. Snow is their best friend right up until January 1st, afterwhich things take a startling turn for the worse.

Look forward to my post coming this February entitled "Stuff Girls Hate: Snow"

*I'm not making this up
**Oddly enough I didn't hear anyone say "watching men shovel the driveway"

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