Saturday, November 1, 2008


Happy sweet November!

If you ask me November is by FAR the greatest of all months ever created.

The word November has Latin origins and means "ninth month." This was before the Romans adopted the Julian Calendar and added the months January and February.* November contains many of my favorite holidays including Thanksgiving, my birthday, my sister's birthday, and the day that Ohio State annually pummels Michigan.

Fun historical fact: JFK and C.S. Lewis both died on November 22, 1963.
Fun contemporary fact: November is pancreatic cancer awareness month.**

But most importantly for the sake of this post, November is National Novel Writer's Month, or NaNoWriMo.

I was first introduced to NaNo by my friend Chris Teirney, whose last name I have forgotten how to spell correctly. Since then I have spent most of October planning on writing a novel, and all of November not doing it. I am proud to say that this year is no exception!

The point of NaNoWriMo is to finish writing an entire novel in a month. they define novel as 50,000 words and they define month as November. That averages out to about 5 double spaced pages a day on Microsoft Word. You aren't supposed to care if it's terrible, that's not the point. The point is to finish. It's like a Marathon, you feel pumped if you do it even if some Kenyan beat you. Or in my case, a Kenyan and 170,000 old ladies.

check out the website if you are interested. I spend most of October looking at it.

*I am not making this up
**See above

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Also, it's No Shave November and Taylor Barkley's birthday to kick it off.

And didn't Julius Caesar add July and Caesar Augustus add August? Where do you get January and February?

It's Tierney.