Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For the Glory of God

So I'm about to out myself here as loving Taylor University way way way too much. But then again, I don't think that's a surprise to anyone that knows me.

But the other day I was thinking tat it's such a shame that I am probably not going to work at Taylor, and if I get a doctorate, it wont be from Tayolor either. So lets say twenty years fromnow I write a great book. (Which is something I'm going to start on...someday) But lets go nut for a little bit and say that I actually DID write a book and it was the next Blue Like Jazz* and people from all over the country were inviting me to come speak at their schools.

The wouold introduce me and say "He got his B.A. and his M.A. from Taylor University, recieved his PHD from (insert blank) and he is currenty the associate dean of student leadership at (insert blank)

And the reason that bothers me I becuase I want to make sure that all the glory for my accomplishments goes to Taylor. If I produce anything of merit I want people to say "That's a Taylor Grad right there."

Well that's a bit idolotrous now isn't it?

But for the first time I understood what it was meant to want to do something for the glory of God. It doesn't mean that you can't be proud, or that you can't be enjoying the work, or that your name can't be attatched to what you do. But what if really when you produced something good you had a desire for people to say "That's a child of God right there." What if you wanted people to understand where you came from and the contextfrom which you opporate when you accomplish things; and that framework is your God?

It would probably increase your accountability for your work and your reputation. Bu that's really ust a side benifit

*Except with a basic understanding of the tennats of Christianity.

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