Thursday, October 30, 2008

Full on Rant!

So sometimes when I write posts I'm trying to make a general observation about the world or about spirituality and I try to express my opinion along with biblical principles that I believe to be true. And when I discuss the Ohio State Buckeyes I am just bringing up inherent truths we all know so as to remind you.

This is not like that. This is me completely spouting unfounded opinions based on what annoys me personally. this post has no redeeming value and in order to maintain the credibility of my blog as being either amusing or thought provoking I put the disclaimer on this post that you wouldn't be missing out if you didn't read it.

When I read Les Miserable well to do citizens (not the poor ones) had two shirts, two pairs of pants, and a coat. The reason for two shirts and pants was so that you could wear them while the other one was being cleaned. And I thought to myself "that's what Heaven is going to be like."

When people buy cloths they are PAYING MONEY for a variety of things they already own. We don't do this with cars, furniture, or spouses, so why should we go it with cloths? If the garment gives you shelter from the elements and covers your shame you are good to go. Is it naive to think that I already own all the cloths I'm going to need for the rest of my life?

And people who buy cloths are buying the cloths that "society" has decided are fashionable. Not only are you spending money on things you don't need, you are buying the ones that OTHER people told you to buy! Why don't you just buy a Macbook or set $10 bills on fire? What if I showed up at your house and told you that you had to put in a particular style of carpet, and that YOU had to pay for it. This is what society is trying to do to us every day! And some people ENJOY IT!

Now, I might be coming at this from an extreme angle. It's just that I was recently taken aback when a certain girlfriend (who shall remain nameless) was explaining to me that the reason that she doesn't like to wear cloths more than once before washing them again is because they feel different. Is this true? She had a friend back her up. They claim if you wore a shirt, took it off, folded it, and put it back in the drawer, you could tell the difference when you put it on again.

I have never in my life experienced this phenomenon. Which leads me to believe that perhaps the reason I don't care about cloths is that I am suffering from tactile sensory deprivation. They also claim that socks get "baggy" after you wear them...and that this is a bad thing. Again, never heard of this.

The other year I told someone that I hated my winter coat. It's makes me look like a marshmallow, but it was a present. Then someone suggested to me that I BUY ANOTHER ONE. Now I'm not sure how much good winter coats cost but I think the answer is "more than five dollars." And you want me to buy another one? So that I would have TWO? I'm just hoping that my house eventually burns down with the coat inside it so that I will have the opportunity to get another one for LEGITIMATE reasons.

That being said, I've decided that I'm going to go as long as I possibly can without buying any new clothes starting today.*

Exceptions I will count:

Socks, underpants, and running shoes/ tennis shoes and to a lesser extent jeans are things that actually wear out. I can replace these items when that time comes, and not a moment before.

When an article of clothing becomes ruined for one reason or another (spilled paint on it, badgers ate it, etc...) or I lose a piece of clothing I might replace it.

If I take up some hobby or job that actually REQUIRES some type of clothing I will buy it (uniform/hiking boots/tuxedo/wetsuit/Oscar Meier wiener costume etc...)

Extreme novelty: Silly hats etc...

Clothing representing a group of which I am a part and it would look bad if I was the only guy who didn't buy a shirt.

I am still accepting gifts, but if you are going to buy me a winter coat check to see if it's the kind I want because I am probably going to be wearing it for the rest of my life.

*And in case you were wondering I have NOT bought any books or music since I made that other bold claim over the summer


Anonymous said...

Claim: "They also claim that socks get 'baggy' after you wear them...and that this is a bad thing. Again, never heard of this."

Status: True - Cotton, as a mesh of interwoven chains of cellulose, is susceptible to weakening from the oils secreted by the human foot. These oils occupy the interstitial molecular gaps of cotton socks and weaken the covalent bonds between them. Incidentally, this effect is analogous to the phenomenon where buckeyes fans infest society and lower collective IQ at a rate of 6 IQp/bfpm (IQ points per buckeyes fan per million) Source

Back to socks, this is why I never wear a pair of socks that is not new. While this may seem wasteful, it is not.

Anonymous said...

this sounds like hugh "jokes" white to me..if so "hey dude" if not...hey anyway