Friday, September 26, 2008

Essays on Greatness Part II

Lately there has been some talk around the nation that Ohio State is not actually as great as it seems. People might mention things like "losing" to certain opponents who themselves are unable to win the big games like Thursday night's fiasco against the mighty Oregon State Beavers

But those people are still just jealous of the inherent greatness that IS. The Ohio State Buckeyes. So let me continue to enlighten you with some more "facts" about Ohio and why it should matter to you.

Ohio was the first state admitted to the union under the Northwest Territory act, and it's original postal abbreviation was "O."

Ohio is the home of Cedar Point--Worlds best amusement park.

Ohio is the mother of presidents.

Ohio is the birth place of the wright Brothers, Thomas Eddison, John Glenn, Ulysses S. Grant and others

If the Above is true, then Ohio invented planes, spaceships, light and politics/military strategy.

Ohio was once voted "Most awesomest place ever"*

Buckeyes are a delicious confection made of peanut butter and chocolate

Ohio single-handedly won the Civil War for the union.

During WWII Ohio supplied more troops and produced more ammunition than either Alaska or Costa Rica.

Murder is more illegal in Ohio than in any other state.

If you are from Ohio you are eligible for free hugs**

Michigan is not in Ohio

Ohio hosts the football hall of fame and the Rock and Roll hall of Fame

Rock and Roll originated in Ohio***

No evil world dictators have ever come from Ohio

The USC Trojans, Florida Gators, Notre Dame fighting Irish, Captain Ahab, Carrot Top, O.J. Simpson, Joseph Stalin, Lorena Bobbit, Ann Rand, and the Shredder are all people/groups that did not originate in Ohio.

Ohio is "the heart of it all"

And if you don't agree that Ohio is the best place, which produces the best football team ever...I will fight you. And I will win, because I'm from Ohio.

* Gallup poll
**Stop by my office
***This is actually true. Though the roots of rock and roll trace back to blues and even to spirituals sung by slaves in antebellum America, the first use of the term was on Cleveland radio to describe the sounds of a resident musician nicknamed "lead belly." The name stuck. Hence the expression/song "Cleveland rocks." (That is also true).


Unknown said...

I was born in Dayton.
I hope this tidbit helps strengthen your argument.

Dawn said...

all excellent reasons..very convincing argument. I mean really.. how can anybody argue with all those "facts"

BT said...

"Gettin' lucky in Ohio."

Nope, doesn't have the same ring to it.