Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A day in the life

Hello all you faithful readers out there in blogland. I know you have been sitting on pins and needles waiting for my latest installent of musings.

I was waiting to post this until I had pictures of the events I'm about to describe, but becuase the lovely Cortney Michelle Korshak is not that big of a fan of uploading things that will have to wait for another day.

But speaking of Cortney, this Saturday I was able to introduce her to the REAL love of my life.*

And no, I'm not talking about C.S. Lewis, becuase he is dead, and that would be creepy. I'm talking of course about THE Ohio State Buckeyes.

Cortney and I traveled to Colombus to witness the Scarlet and Gray take the field against some guys. Unfortunately we only arrived there 45 miuntes early. Which is really stupid because apparently every car in the state of Ohio was lined up trying to get onto campus. I am convinced that no one car pooled. Families of five drove six diferent cars. I saw it.

But patience is a virtue so we waited in line at the first exit until 11:59 when the traffic guards blocked the exit with a series of cones and told me to go around to the next one.

[imagine lots of rage in this line of text]

An hour later we found our seats, which were almost close enough to the field to make out which team was which. But we were together, we were watching the bucks...we were happy.

On the way home we completed our super fun date by going to Applebees where I met an interesting man with whom Cortney went to Costa Rica (not by coincidence, we called him). They fondly recounted tales of spanish things and people and tortillas and stuff while I looked over Cortney's sholder at the T.V. screen depicting the humiliating defeat of the Michigan Wolverines.

Yes my day was deffinately going well despite the difficult start. Then I noticed that one of the tires of my car, (in celebration of all the wonderull things that had happened in college football) had burst in a fit of joy!

[insert more rage]

But that was cool becuae I had a spare tire in the trunk and I got to change it in front of Cortney and show off my manly know how**

Moral of the story? I hate Michigan.

*Sorry babe
**Thanks Jake Drake for randomly taching me how to change a flat


Dawn said...

Oh Steve...good moral of the story and I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

Good story. The moral sucked though.

You'll be happy to hear that I walked out of my apartment today to find my door plastered with jim tressel loving-michigan hating-muck fichigan-type sentiment. The funniest one was a church sign. It said "Ann Arbor=Whore. Michigan sucks. Go Bucks. Love, Jesus."

Some stupid ignorant freshman was responsible for the shenanigans. He'll get his payback in full.