Saturday, April 19, 2008

Book Review Five

Yes, I have been reading pointless fiction lately. Maybe I will read a spiritually enriching book next, maybe I wont. I don't know why I suddenly feel the need to defend myself...

Anyway, The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan is the New York Times best-selling Sequel to Eye of the World.
It's not as good, but in a twelve book series you will probably have down-points. I do enjoy it though. Rand begins coming into his own, certain characters thought dead make unexpected comebacks, and it is surprisingly light on plot lines involving Moraine or other Aes Sedia, and that's always a plus.

It's my goal to read the next 9 segments of this series before book 12, Memories of Light, is posthumously published in late 2009. But since I am now going to grad school that plan has been seriously jeopardized. Unrelated, I really love jeopardy.

Even though 10 installments of this series are New York Time bestsellers, and I think Robert Jordan dominated the world of fantasy right up until his death, I know surprisingly few people who have actually read these books. If you're interested let me know. Like the obsessive compulsive chap I am, I have multiple copies.

1 comment:

Cody said...

I'm on the eighth book of the Wheel of Time right now. I think the books are great, but I'm a slow reader, and it takes me awhile to get through Jordan's long books. How the plots flow together and the amazing characters keep me compelled to finish it.