Monday, September 27, 2010

Some Writings

I took down the "hit counter" and people have stopped leaving comments as often. This means I have no way of knowing how many people are actually reading this. But I will keep posting on the internet like a man shouting the the woods or radio waves bouncing off asteroids in deep space. Then years later I can look back on everything I've done and at least be able to say "Well...that was a lot of words."

Speaking of lots of words. I realize that most people aren't interested in my writings. In fact I would bet that over 99% of the world is completely unaware of me entirely. But if you managed to make it to this blog, there is the small assumption that you may be interested in reading what I have to write. That, or you are married to me.

Regardless, here is something you may or may not want to read. I have begun working on what Hugh White once called "my files." I can't say that I am writing a book becuase that would have a coherrent purpose, there would be a goal in mind, and I would be annoyed with myself for being the kind of person who says he's writing a book when in all reality, little writing is being done.

It would be more accurate to say that sometimes I pull out a notebook and write some stuff. By sometimes, I mean hardly ever. But it does happen. In fact, that what this blog is actually for. I found a place to organize the random little things I call thoughts, and a chance to write them down without the need to try to organize them into a unified structure. The hope is that one day, I could take some of the thoughts from this blog and string them together in a way that doesn't resemble the incomprehensible ramblings of the typical emerging adult. Well anyway, I have begun to do that just a teeny weeny bit in the form of "my files." AKA--the crap I write.

SO, when I actually get around to writing a legit "thing" I may start posting a link to a google doc here on my blog. You could read them, save them, delete them, not read them, or laugh at them. It's your perogative.

Here's a link to something I started


In it, I do use the word "book" but it's because I didn't have a better word to use.

Also, apparently I was published in the ACSD magazine this June. I found out about it last week. I guess we are not printing those any more. I was waiting for it to show up in my mailbox and it never did. If my boss hadn't noticed it I probably would have gone the rest of my life wondering if it had ever gotten published, or if ACSD was playing a prank on me.

Normally I wouldn't draw attention to this, but again, you came all the way here to my blog, I guess you like to read my writing.

My article

1 comment:

Dr. Danger said...

to all you blog followers take the time to read the article. it is well written, informative, and interesting...even if you aren't into student development stuff...i am curious to see if you see Steve's style, even in the academic stuff