Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reading the Gospel

So here's a thought. I know that we've all talked about this idea in church. About how the Jewish people in Jesus' time really misunderstood him. They thought he was the chosen one who was going to overthrow the Romans and lead an enslaved people to freedom and power. And they were right. He was (and is). But totally not in the way they thought he was. I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know. But this is cool.

This week I was reading my Bible and I finished the last book of the O.T. Malachi. Malachi talks about how Jesus will rise with healing in his wings to restore the people. It's the prophecy. Then Matthew starts off with visions, angels, and a star in the sky. Try reading the Gospels like you know the background, but not the ending. It's a pretty epic story. It's like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or...The story of Moses. But with a crazy, surprise, twist ending. It's intense. Try reading it that way, it's pretty cool.

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