Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ligtning Rods II

And now the glove is on the other foot.

What is the other benefit to being "Mr Integrity?" Simple, the ability to speak into other's lives. Many of us would like to mind our own business and let other people live their lives without our interference. Now it's true that we don't control other people and in the end we are only responsible for our own lives and our own actions. We don't have responsibility for anyone else.

However we do have responsibility TO others to help them recognize the sins in their lives. You might think "well yes that all well and good if they've asked for you help, but if they haven't it's none of your business." Sorry, that's wrong.

Like it or not when you join the body of Christ it is with the inference that you want everyone else's help. And whether or not you think you've asked for it you have. So don't think other people don't have the right to tell you how to live...cause they do.

Now that means "within reason" and pertaining to certain things, I'm not suggesting that every facet of our personal lives are up for discussion, but you get the idea. The main problem is that people get really huffy when you have the nerve to help them out. And then maybe they think "well how would YOU like it if I nit-picked your life?" There's only one way to deal with this sort of situation--Let them.

And when you mess up, and you will, those people you've corrected will be right in your face, excited to catch you in the act. They will say "I thought you didn't do that sort of stuff Mr. Integrity." And you'll say "I'm sorry, thanks for reminding me."

Don't be surprised of the other person stops resenting you and you both sin less. It happens.

1 comment:

Lil Conn said...

you know this isn't my favorite concept. but i was convicted today when i was reading proverbs:

Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you;
reprove a wise man, and he will love you. (9:8)

yeah, i've got some work to do there.