Friday, July 24, 2009

A harsh reality

A few days ago I did something that I haven't done in years, and I think all of you should try it too. I went to the playground.

I was really excited to live out my childhood again and cavort around the jungle gym like days of old. But when I began "scampering" across the playground I encountered something that shocked me right out of my childhood innosence and back into the dissapointing reality of young adulthood.

The Monkey Bars

Friends...I can no longer cross the monkey bars.

Now although I don't think I'm the most fit person that ever lived, (After all Ryan Anderson and Eric Gingerich read this blog) I wouldn't describe myself as a fatty fat fatso with girly arms either. The Monkey bars, however, decided that I was.

Right now you are probably thinking "Oh wow, that's too bad for Steve, but I'm glad I can still do the monkey bars." Well for most of you I've got some advice. If you want to keep believing that, and you weigh more than 55 pounds, stay away from the playground.


Unknown said...

"Oh wow, that's too bad for Steve, but I'm glad I can still do the monkey bars."


Ryan Anderson said...

I actually went to the playground yesterday too. I did the monkey bars...upside down...with my feet.

You are ridiculous... :)