Wednesday, July 29, 2009


"Young Adulthood is a time of disillusionment."

No one to my knowledge has ever said this quote but if you want to maybe someday someone would quote you and put a "~" next to it with your name. And after you die maybe even your name and a date after it.

Because I think it's pretty true. There are a lot of things that happen for the first time at this little stage of life I like to call "kinda like being an adult but with less money." Like getting a job, moving out on your own, being able to do whatever you want whenever you want, etc... And as it turns out a lot of it is less glamorous than we had previously been lead to believe. But the point of this post is not to focus on my life (which is actually doing pretty good right now, thanks for asking) but to focus on the idea of disillusionment itself.

We normally associate being disillusioned with negative experiences and sad times. In effect, we have negative connotations with this word. But really, why is that? Because to become disillusioned is to leave behind the illusion and to understand reality.* To become disillusioned is to learn the truth, and in general, I consider that a good thing.

What it generally comes down to is that things in this world are not as good as we think they are and that they will not make us as happy as we think they will. This isn't depressing, its just how it is.

Because we are fallen people. And we are desperately trying to fill the hole in our heart created by the separation we experience apart from God. And we have these illusions that money, success, healthy relationships, security, entertainment, or whatever, can fill this hole and make us complete.

But the truth is these things don't cut it. And one by one as our illusions fade we are able to more fully understand the truth of the matter- that only God will fill us up. So every time you are disappointed or disillusioned, praise God and turn over your expectations to Him.

*I Believe it was Denis Dee Young of Styx who once said "Take me tonight, to the river, and wash my illusions away...SHOW ME THE WAYYYYYYYYYY."

1 comment:

Dr. Danger said...

I never actually thot of it this way, but yo are soooo right thank god for disillusionment else i would live in my own reality and that would really suck for all kinds of reasons, and i read the brothers as well and all i remember is this one dude was always "bowing to " a chick named grushenka and i don't really think it got him anywhere, and i still don't know if the Bolshiviks were good or bad and i hate not knowing