Thursday, June 12, 2008

Book Review Seven

Most people tell me that they skip my book reviews. But sometimes I may be reviewing something that you actually want to read yourself, so don't be so quick to discard them.

I think I've been reading Victory over the Darkness for about 1,000 years. But I finally finished it. In case you were, it's not much of a page turner.

But it is very good. At first it started out with some basic and boring information that any Christian who ever took a class in anything would probably already know. But by the end of the book each chapter was powerful and backed with life altering truth. Anderson is a counselor and much of this book is dedicated to spiritual and emotional health. He asks us to discover the lies we are believing and to free ourselves of those things.

He talks about clarifying your goals and distinguishing them from your desires. The only real goal is to become closer to Christ, and the only person who can block that is you. so why are you so mad at everyone else? He talks about man's need for significance, acceptance, and security. He talks about rejection in relationships and what it means to be free in Christ.

Larry Crabb said that we wouldn't need mental health professionals if more people were better at being in tune with themselves and helping the people around them. Except for neurological disorder's I think Larry is right. And I also think that Larry would want you to read this book because it has a lot to say to everyone. True, it meant a lot to me personally because of some of the things with which I am currently struggling, but I think we could all be a little more free.

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