Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A story

Hey all you faithful bloggers. This video is a testimonial that we used in our highschool service when we were talking about why bad things happen to good people. I guess that Dave and Matt count me as "good people."

This has been out for a while and has actually been circling the Internet a little bit. Apparently it is being used in a Sunday service at Grace Church in Wooster. And in case you were wondering...no, I don't know anyone who works there. The Internet is a crazy thing isn't it? But the reason I'm posting this now is because it's very personal and I thought it would be difficult for my dad to see it. Well he did watch it and we talked about it last night, so now I'm ready to share it with the three or four people that actually read my blog. Just so everyone knows, I still love my Dad.


KLantz said...

thanks steve. I showed your story to our CRAMers and they responded very powerfully. it was intense. i appreciate your vulnerability.


Anonymous said...

I have alot of respect for you, Steve.

Thank you... not for the words, or the emotions included in the video... but for simply opening up about that...

Kristen said...

I'm proud of you, Steve, for using your story to help others know more about God in a way they may not have known otherwise. No, you're story isn't new to me. I've heard it several times before, but everytime I hear it I find myself more humbled by the ways God can work and be there throughout the dark times in our lives. Keep sharing your story and I have faith that God will continue to work thru it. Miss ya, buddy. Looking forward to catching up again soon.