Saturday, July 5, 2008

The 4th

Celebrate the Independence of your country by blowing up a small piece of it!

Just wanted everyone to know that if you somehow missed the big fireworks extravaganza at the Conn house (which the vast majority of the people in America did) you are a communist and do not appreciate our country.

My grandpa buys about 12 million fireworks and there is a very "professional" crew of men like myself resposnsable for lighting them in a pre-determined order to create the greatest effect.

I wouldn't quite say it's a "safety last" opperation, but it's certainly not "safety first." Safety first would involve NOT shooting off fireworks. But let's just say that it was the biggest rush I've had since I almost lost all future generations of Conns to a water balloon launcher. (see previous post: the gauntlet)

I believe it was Francis Scott Key who penned the words

"and the rockets' red glare,
the bombs bursting in air, made sure that night,
that the Conn men were scared!
Oh say is it done burning
or do you think that it's stuck?
Go grab the torch and get ready to duck."

God bless America.


Anonymous said...

Steve Conn + Fun outside= Sprained groin

Kristen said...

in reference to your post... y'all are out of control!

in reference to the comment below... ben blake is never going to let you live that down!

BT said...

I freaking love you.