Monday, May 12, 2008

Back with Shak

Lately people have been clamoring for me to update my blog with more amusing anecdotes. And trust me I intend to. Please let me first revel in the fact that this means people are actually reading my blog. Do you have any idea how happy that makes me? No you do not, because your self esteem is not based on how many people laugh at you like mine is.

But before I do that I must first report some happy news. Despite the fact that personal baggage has turned me into a relational wreck, as of Cinco de Mayo I have found a girl who will actually consent to date me.

That's right, my ex-girlfriend, the lovely Cortney Michelle Korshak, has found it in her magnanimous heart to take me back after I broke up with her and sent her crying to Costa Rica. I admit, this was a bad call on my part. One of the worst I've made in recent memory. But fortunately she believes in forgiveness. That and she's crazy about me. (not sure why but I do NOT argue)

Ever since I spent a semester in Ireland listening to Kim Duncan go ON and ON about how awesome her boyfriend was I decided that I wanted to find a girl who would brag about me until her friends hated her. Whelp, I found her! She has a lot of other good qualities too. For example, she is an amazing baton twirler and was even crowned miss Illinois (of twirling).

She is a Spanish education major and knows all the Spanish in the world. At least I think she does. She has a huge heart for Hispanic people, the poor, and the disenfranchised. And she has a huge passion for teaching English as a second language.

She is a great and supportive friend and I can't imagine anyone so understanding and loyal to a guy like me even when I don't deserve it. Also, she is a smoking hottie.

I could go on and on about her but I wont bore you with all the details, let it just be said that I'm really lucky to have her and that I like her...A lot.

You might think that it's obnoxious for me to write about her like this, but she IS the first reader this blog has ever I'm a really obnoxious guy, so I don't care

Also, she likes to stick her tongue out in pictures, but I'm used to that by now. And check this out, notice how well she fits into a hug. She' so short (excuse me, I mean "fun sized") that I appear to be the appropriate size by comparison.

(Notice the product placement for Newpointe)

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