Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yes it is absolutely true! Spring has Sprung indeed! You may now put on your shorts and bask in the joy of all that is blooming, shining, or causing hormonal teen-agers to pay even less attention than usual to school. The first official day of Spring this year was March 25th, and it coincided with Easter; which was entirely coincidental, but very fitting.

Spring has never fallen on Easter Sunday since I’ve been in charge of it, so this is an exciting occurrence that may not happen again any time soon. If you too felt “springy” last Sunday it’s because you were able to feel that certain vibe to which I am intimately attuned…That vibe that says “This is no thaw…This is SPRING!” And if you caught the obscure reference to The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe give yourself 10 Danger dollars (everyone keep track of your own).
To me spring means screwing around at track practice, getting 79 cent Chili dogs, going on runs, making excuses to not play ultimate Frisbee, staying up later than usual for no apparent reason, and acting like I’m gonna date some girl but then not really doing it; which usually ends not so well (I apologize to anyone who feels that the previous activity describes their relationship to me personally; if you believe I’m referring to you there’s a good chance I am). It also means sweet Spring-break road trips, increasingly frequent Handy runs, driving with my car-windows down blaring Journey as loud as it will go, and gearing up for summer.

Now that I have graduated, live nowhere near an A&W, in the hilliest area of the country, have no friends, go to work at 8:30 every day, know no girls, get no spring break, and am doing the same thing this summer as I am doing now…This spring I will be rolling down the windows of my car and listening to Journey. That is all.
But I’m still going to wear shorts!

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